Equity & Inclusion

  • Objective 1:
    Deepening stakeholder interdependence through strategic engagement and communication.  

    Key Targets:

    • Develop strategic, comprehensive communication plan.
    • Increase engagement and feelings of connectedness of families in district initiatives by 10% as measured by participation in the annual Parent Satisfaction Survey (n=824 responses in 2023).
    • Establish a baseline for the understanding of district initiatives by families and community partners.
    • Redesign District Parent Advisory Council (DPAC).

    Objective 2:
    Reduce disproportionality in suspensions through a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (academic, behavioral, and social-emotional).

    Key Targets:

    • Percentage rate of referrals and of suspensions for black and economically disadvantaged students K-12 will decrease to a rate that is commensurate with their enrollment status, with a 5% decrease within the 23 - 24 school year.  

    Objective 3:
    Expand the diversity of the district workforce and retain high quality staff. 

    Key Targets:

    • Develop recruitment strategy aligned to the strategic plan 2024-2027 for increased recruitment and diversifying our workforce. 
    • Establish benchmark data and develop retention strategy aligned to the strategic plan 2024-2027 to improve retention rates. 
    • Implement culturally responsive professional learning communities.