Rush-Henrietta Title I Program

  • Rush-Henrietta receives annual funding from the federal Title I grant program, under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). These funds are intended to supplement the local school budget to ensure that all students – regardless of family background, academic ability or economic disadvantage – have equal opportunities to access a high-quality education and academic support to help them succeed in school.

    The district has designated four elementary schools – Crane, Fyle, Sherman and Winslow – to receive Title I funds, based on their socioeconomic need (free/reduced lunch rates). These schools receive Title I and II funds for additional reading/AIS teachers, smaller class sizes, teaching assistants, classroom supplies, teacher professional development, and parent/family engagement activities, such as summer reading programs and technology nights for parents.

    Rush-Henrietta’s Title I, Parent Involvement and AIS policies can be found under District Policies on the district website. The Board of Education reviews these policies on an annual basis.

    Parents at these schools have a right to know about the Title I program, including funds that must be set aside to promote parent and family engagement in their child’s education. Each year the PTO in each of these schools hosts a meeting with district officials to discuss the Title I program and get parent input into how the funds are spent. To find out more about these opportunities to engage, contact your school’s principal or PTO president.

    If your child attends a school receiving Title I funds and you have any questions about the Title I program (or any of the other ESSA Title grant programs in which Rush-Henrietta participates), including the use of parent engagement funds in your child’s school, please contact Dr. Casey van Harssel, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources and School Accountability, at