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Sharing Concerns and Complaints
As partners in your child's education, we do our best to ensure their success. Occasionally, however, an issue or concern may arise that causes you to become dissatisfied with the work that we do. Below are a series of steps you should follow to bring the matter to our attention so it can be resolved.
- Talk directly to the person. Speak directly to the person involved. This gives them the opportunity to clear up any misunderstandings or miscommunication that may have occurred and to resolve the issue.
- Go to the supervisor. If you feel that the person involved did not handle your concern appropriately, contact their supervisor. For example, if it is a teacher, contact the principal; if it is a bus driver, contact the director of transportation.
- Contact the superintendent. If you are still dissatisfied, contact the superintendent's office. You will be asked to put your concern in writing, in the form of either a letter or an e-mail, and give the superintendent time to contact the other parties involved. In many instances, concerns or complaints brought to the superintendent's attention have to do with district policy or practice. In that case, you will be contacted by the senior district administrator who is responsible for that aspect of the district's operation. This is the person who is most able to help you in the quickest manner possible. If after speaking with the senior administrator you are still not satisfied with the district's response, or if your concern involves a principal, you will be contacted directly by the superintendent.
- Petition the Board of Education. The superintendent of schools is responsible for carrying out the policies and regulations set by the Board of Education. Many issues brought to her attention require Board intervention and are therefore not issues that she has the discretion to address. If you are still not satisfied after speaking with her, you can petition the Board of Education for a consideration. Please see board policy 1400 for information. Once you have submitted your information, the Board will review your request or complaint in a private session and will determine if additional information is needed. They may ask to speak with you to clarify the issue. If they have enough information, they will make a decision about your appeal and will notify you through the board clerk.
- Petition the New York State Education Department. If your concern persists after the Board determination, you can petition the New York State Education Department. The method for doing that is explained on the state education department website, http://www.counsel.nysed.gov/appeals
Hopefully, this gives you a series of steps you can follow should you become dissatisfied with the way the district handles issues or concerns that affect your child. Please keep in mind, we appreciate your constructive criticism. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to support the success of your child.
Visit this link, click "Policies," and see policy 1400 for more information.
- Talk directly to the person. Speak directly to the person involved. This gives them the opportunity to clear up any misunderstandings or miscommunication that may have occurred and to resolve the issue.