• Celebrating School Board Members

    Each year, time is set aside to recognize the contributions made by community volunteers who serve on public school Boards of Education. New York State School Board Recognition Week is October 16-20, 2023, and this presents the perfect opportunity to thank them for their leadership.

    Members of the Rush-Henrietta Board of Education volunteer their time and talents to better our school district and, by extension, community. Our district is governed by a seven-member Board of Education elected by eligible voters. Members are President Scott Adair; Vice President Mai Abdullah; Shiloh Arthmann; Suzanne Bennett; Laura Borate; Kimberly DeLardge; and Rachel Sherman. Contact information can be found in the district calendar and on the district website.

    Each board member is a public official who serves a three-year term without pay. Each signs an oath of responsibility to serve all New York children, advocate for public education, study issues and regulations, and promote public education in their local communities and beyond. Attending twice-monthly board meetings, they also serve as liaisons to individual Rush-Henrietta schools, regularly speaking to parent groups and attending many school and district events. Each board meeting is streamed live here

    As part of their duties as elected representatives, Rush-Henrietta board members listen to the public and help connect residents with district personnel to resolve questions or concerns. At the same time, as superintendent, I make recommendations regarding district policies and procedures to members of the Board of Education and implement the decisions it makes.

    Actions such as approving agendas and minutes are routine. However, board members are also asked to make informed decisions based on their knowledge of R-H policies and governmental regulations. To enhance their understanding, they often attend workshops and seminars.  Their responsibilities also include ratifying contracts with employee bargaining units, studying labor issues, reviewing the negotiations process, and adopting a proposed budget to present for voter approval each May. School board members also select the district’s superintendent. 

    Board of Education meetings are held twice monthly at 7 p.m. on Tuesdays in the Diana “Dee” Strickland Conference Room at the Parker Administration Building, 2034 Lehigh Station Road. Meeting agendas and minutes are available on the district website at www.rhnet.org/BOE

    On behalf of everyone in the Rush-Henrietta Central School District, we thank each member of the Rush-Henrietta Board of Education for their important public service.