Day 7: Connections and Caring: Inspiration for the Path Ahead

  • Thank you for completing Rush-Henrietta’s Equity Journey 2! We sincerely hope the information and resources we have shared have helped you think more about what the terms equity and inclusion mean. Together, let’s keep moving forward in a relentless pursuit of these important ideals. 

    It has been one year since Rush-Henrietta unveiled its original Equity Journey. We have received an incredible amount of positive feedback from school leaders in this region and throughout the state. One of the more common reactions we hear is that our district is courageous to address these topics with our school community. Some people are afraid to discuss these topics. That no doubt is true in many communities, but not ours. We are blessed to live in a wonderful and supportive community that is willing to learn more about how to be even better. 

    We encourage you to share this Equity Journey or the first one with someone you know who did not participate. Thank you for your interest and commitment to this important work! We truly are Stronger Together.

    Did You Know?

    R-H Senior High School has a Natural Helpers program that teaches students to recognize when peers may need additional support and connect them with an appropriate staff member.

    Resources for Learning

    Option 1: Watch How You Treat People is Who You Are-Kindness Motivational Video (3:56)

    Option 2: Watch Brene Brown on Empathy (2:53)

    Option 3: Read How to Build Empathy and Strengthen Your School Community

    Consider These Ways to Reflect, Grow, and Take Action

    Questions to Consider for Self-Reflection:

    • Think of a time with a friend or colleague when you showed sympathy instead of empathy. What could you have done differently to be more empathetic?
    • How can you support the development of empathy in your children and students?
    • What are my main takeaways from participating in this R-H Equity Journey?

    Ways to Get Involved:

    • Consider how you might volunteer within your neighborhood or community. 
    • Share this R-H 7-Day Equity Journey with a friend, classmate, or colleague, and begin conversations about the insights you gained from taking part.

    R-H Equity Journey Copyright © 2022, All rights reserved.