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District History
75th Anniversary
Anniversary Posts 1-15
- 1: Monroe Academy: Henrietta’s First Famous School
- 2: First Schools: Uphill, Barefoot, Both Ways
- 3: 1938: Voters Reject Creation of Rush-Henrietta Central School District
- 4: Schoolhouse Records Give Glimpse of Life 100 Years Ago
- 5: 1946: Given Second Chance, Voters Embrace New District
- 6: A Different Time: When Rush Had More Kids Than Henrietta
- 7: Choosing a Mascot: Why We're Not the Royal Falcons
- 8: Meet the Board: Rush-Henrietta’s Original Fab Five
- 9: Late 1940s: The Beginning of a Population Explosion
- 10: Breaking Ground: Rush-Henrietta’s First New School
- 11: 1952: R-H’s First New School a ‘Splendid Dream’
- 12: First Meeting of the New Board of Education
- 13: 1959 R-H Grad Still Gets on the Bus Every Day
- 14: Humble Beginnings: Two School Buses to Start
- 15: 1954: Sudden Need for a Second New School
Anniversary Posts 16-30
- 16: 1954-1955: Two Votes for a Second School
- 17: The Story of Gillette Elementary School
- 18: 1950s: Building a New School Each Year
- 19: 1957: Residents Press Pause, Reject Two New Schools
- 20: 1958: Fourth New School Helps District Keep Pace
- 21: 1950s: Curious Visitors Flock to New R-H School
- 22: Bill Farrell: ‘Architect of the R-H Sports Program’
- 23: 1961: Rush-Henrietta Gets a Junior High School
- 24: 1963: A New School Called Wedgewood
- 25: Elmer Gordon: A Rush-Henrietta Trailblazer
- 26: Remembering Jack Gaffney
- 27: Jack Gaffney's Incredible Connections to Our R-H Past
- 28: Remembering Wilma Jean Milhouse
- 29: 1964: West Henrietta Gets Its First New School
- 30: 1965: Fyle Elementary Named to Honor Respected Teacher
Anniversary Posts 31-45
- 31: R-H Family History Revealed in Historic Records
- 32: Dr. John W. Parker: Devoted to District’s Early Success
- 33: 1966: Amidst Housing Boom, R-H Opens Sherman Elementary
- 34: 1968: Rush-Henrietta Opens Its First High School
- 35: Richard TenHaken: Superintendent Who Looked Controversy in the Eye
- 36: 1970: Vollmer Becomes R-H’s Last New School
- 37: The Dome Arena: R-H and Other Legends
- 38: The Lion in the Room - Senior High School Pride
- 39: Artists in Residence
- 40: Providing an Even Start
- 41: Paul McKee: Humility Meets Great Success
- 42: Raymond Delaney Had ‘Unshakeable Belief’ in Public Education
- 43: Roger Eckers Strikes Up the Band
- 44: 1982: R-H Denies West Brighton Request to Secede
- 45: George DesMarteau: One - Make That Two - of a Kind
Anniversary Posts 46-60
- 46: Recognizing 75 Years of Music Excellence
- 47: Senior High School Mural Depicts 'Community of School'
- 48: 2006: Rush-Henrietta Alumni Council Established
- 49: A Bird's-Eye View of 1951
- 50: 1945: Preparing for the First Day of School
- 51: R-H is Where ‘The Rock’ Calls Home
- 52: 1974: Rush-Henrietta Takes to the Airwaves
- 53: Glory Years of WRHR: A Student’s Perspective
- 54: 1969: R-H a Trailblazer in Embracing Student Voice
- 55: 1975: Rush-Henrietta’s High School Reaches Capacity
- 56: 1975 to 1986: A Decade of Dual High Schools
- 57: 1987: New High School Name Helps Community Heal
- 58: How We Became the Royal Comets
- 59: Extracurricular Highlights
- 60: Spotlight on Bob Sagan, Act I
- 61: Spotlight on Bob Sagan, Act II
- 62: 1991: R-H Hires First New Superintendent in 20 Years
- 63: Werner Kleemann: More Than a Sports Legend
- 64: 2000: R-H Loses ‘Wonderful Mentor’
- 65: 2000: R-H Legend Returns to Stabilize High School
- 66: A Surprise Boost for Student Athletes and Musicians
- 67: Adventures of Ping: Restoring a One-of-a-Kind Painting
- 68: Dr. Ken Graham: Two Decades of Strong Leadership
- 69: R-H’s History of Putting Safety First
- 70: Girls Basketball Team Becomes Stuff of Legends
Anniversary Posts 1-15
- Did You Know?
- Distinguished Alumni
- First Administrators
- Norm Miller: Portrait of a Rush-Henrietta Life Well Lived
- School Namesakes
- Superintendents
- Who Was Elmer Gordon?
75th Anniversary
- District Map
- District Mission, Vision, and Values
- District Overview
- District Policies
- District Priorities
- District Progress Update
- Job Opportunities
- Program and Service Reviews
- Staff Directory
- Street/School Directory
- Title I
- Town Resources
- COVID-19 Reopening Summary
Day 7: Racism: Asking What Happened
An act of racism obviously is concerning at the moment it occurs, but that experience also can have a long-lasting impact that leads to harm being perpetuated after an incident takes place.
Racism doesn't have to be physically violent to be traumatic or felt to the core. Its effects often linger. Future actions, behaviors, decisions, emotions, and perceptions can be impacted by racism and its lasting effects. In fact, studies have shown that racism and discrimination can cause lingering psychological effects that can be linked to post-traumatic stress disorder. PTSD is becoming more commonly diagnosed among members of marginalized communities.
How should someone who has experienced this kind of harm be addressed? Dr. Kenneth V. Hardy, professor of Family Therapy at Drexel University in Philadelphia, suggests that we not ask, “What is wrong?” Instead, he says it might be more productive to ask, “What happened to you?” The resources below include a list of ways to contribute to healing racial trauma, and a local resource for self-care and equitable access to yoga.Did You Know?
Rush-Henrietta provides a full range of health and mental-health staff that reflects its strong commitment to all students and their unique needs. From school nurse-teachers to social workers to a substance-abuse counselor, and from psychologists to school counselors to a district nurse practitioner, our district long ago realized the importance of providing these types of additional services to meet the wide-ranging needs of students.
Resources for Learning
Option 1: Read Healing the Hidden Wounds of Racial Trauma
Option 2: Read The Link Between Racism and PTSD
Option 3: Read Self-Care Can Be Social Justice
Option 4: Meet the Rush-Henrietta Mental Health StaffConsider these ways to reflect, grow, and take action:
Questions to Consider for Self-Reflection:
- Can you think of a time when you attributed a negative behavior to a person rather than what they might have experienced? How could you think or react differently in a similar situation in the future?
- Think about your own friendships. How many friends do you have who don't look like you? What are some consequences of missing out on more diverse friendships?
- Consider the importance of approaching someone of a different background to check in with them and ask how they are doing.
Ways to Get Involved:
- Attend the second workshop in our Wellness Workshop series, “Fostering Mental Health & Resilience in Children and Families During Challenging Times,” live online 6:30-8 p.m. Wednesday, March 3. Visit rhnet.org/MarchWorkshop to register.
- Watch a recording of our first workshop in our Wellness Workshop series, “Rush-Henrietta Depression and Anxiety Workshop.”
- Explore the practice of yoga for self-care with Yoga 4 A Good Hood.
- Support your family’s overall wellness with Mindful Moments, a series of nine short videos offering mindfulness tips and easy-to-learn basic yoga poses.
Office of Professional Learning Google Site Offering:
Additional Resources"Cultural Competence Now," by Vernita Mayfield
This book from a veteran educator provides activities, discussions, and readings to begin meaningful conversations about race, culture, bias, privilege, and power within school.
R-H Equity Journey Copyright © 2021, All rights reserved.