Volunteer Opportunities

  • Make a Difference by Volunteering in Our Schools!
    Supported by a talented and dedicated faculty and staff, the Rush-Henrietta Central School District offers high-quality learning experiences to its students. To supplement these efforts, the school district regularly partners with volunteers. Volunteers play an important role in preparing students for responsible citizenship, productive employment, and lifelong learning. We welcome volunteers whose involvement will provide positive and educational experiences for students. The volunteer application form, which is for community residents who do not have children in our schools but would like to help, can be found at the bottom of this page.

    There are countless ways to volunteer, whether through a long-term commitment, such as serving on our Board of Education, or a short-term obligation, such as visiting one of our schools. Many volunteers take time from their busy schedules to visit students in school. When a parent, business owner, or other community member shares his or her talents and experiences during a school activity or lesson, our children benefit. Our students learn and retain more when community members take an active role in their schooling. Whether you are an interested parent, business owner, or district resident, we have the perfect opportunity for you!

    Rush-Henrietta strives for ways to ensure that student learning and educational opportunities extend beyond the classroom. Volunteers of all stripes enhance these efforts. Our volunteers are a diverse group in terms of age, ethnicity, and life experiences. From teens to senior citizens, each brings a unique perspective to students, and possesses an ability to share real-world experiences that help make classroom learning more relevant to a child. You are encouraged to become involved with the Rush-Henrietta school system, and help enhance student learning and the academic experience. With more than 5,400 students in nine schools, there are numerous opportunities for the civic-minded.

    District Volunteer Opportunities
    Volunteers are valued partners in education. They help educators plan to help ensure quality education for current students and future generations. Volunteers provide resources and work with the district in a variety of capacities. They support both teaching and learning in many ways. Here are some of our volunteer opportunities on district committees, along with an appropriate contact person:

    • Asthma and Allergy Parent Advisory Council: Jeanne Schwasman (jschwasman@rhnet.org or 359-5213), school nurse-teacher. This group identifies ways in which parents and guardians and school personnel can work together to help ensure student safety, and provide an optimum school experience for children who have allergies and asthma.

    • Board of Education Finance and Audit Committee: Andy Whitmore, Assistant Superintendent of School Finance and School Operations; awhitmore@rhnet.org or 359-5037. This committee meets quarterly to discuss district financial processes and conditions with the district's external auditor, internal auditor and claims auditor.  Recommendations for financial process improvements and areas to be examined are made by this committee to ensure the district has proper controls and monitoring in place to protect the district's assets. Volunteers should have a financial background or experience.

    • Budget Advisory Council: Andy Whitmore, Assistant Superintendent of School Finance and School Operations; awhitmore@rhnet.org or 359-5037. The Budget Advisory Council (BAC) provides a forum for stakeholders and the superintendent to share ideas and understandings necessary for the successful development of a budget that best represents the values of the Rush-Henrietta Central School District community.

    • District Parent Advisory Council: The District Parent Advisory Council (DPAC) of the Rush-Henrietta Central School District was at the request of the Board of Education and the superintendent of schools, based on the belief that parent involvement is necessary to ensure student success. It was determined that to be successful, DPAC membership should include parent representatives from each school building, from special student groups, from the Board of Education, and from district administration.

    • District Safety Committee: Andy Whitmore, Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Operations; awhitmore@rhnet.org or 359-5037.

    • District Space Committee: Dr. Casey van Harssel, Assistant Superintendent; cvanharssel@rhnet.org or 359-5044. The District Space Committee consists of interested parents, teachers, and administrators. Each year the committee compares the district's instructional space and its projected future student enrollment data. From this comparison grow recommendations for possible facilities changes necessary to meet future instructional needs.

    • Multicultural Parent Advisory Council (MPAC): Joe Jackson, Director of Wellness and Equity; jjackson@rhnet.org or 359-5086. The mission of MPAC is to advocate on behalf of children within the Rush-Henrietta Central School District for opportunities that will empower, inform, promote high academic achievement, provide cultural and social enrichment, and instill leadership qualities.

    • Rush-Henrietta Alumni Council: Contact the office of community relations at tanderson@rhnet.org or hcampo@rhnet.orgRHAC assists the district with alumni communication; guides and supports class reunions; coordinates the annual Alumni Hall of Fame recognition program; and informs and advises the superintendent and Board of Education on matters of interest to Rush-Henrietta alumni.

    • Rush-Henrietta Sports Booster Club: Contact the athletic department at 359-7808 or e-mail rhboosterclub@gmail.com for more information. The Booster Club meets once a month and is involved with scheduling and running the concession stands, coordinating events such as the All-Sports Kickoff in September and the Royal Comet Awards Ceremony in June; supporting team and club fundraisers; and ordering senior flowers. There are many opportunities to volunteer! If you have a desire to help, make new friends and lend a hand, then this is the place for you! We all work together and share our knowledge and experience to make a difference in our sporting community.

    • Shared Decision Making teams, for district and schools: Shared Decision Making teams exist in all of our schools. These teams bring together representatives of teachers, staff, parents, administrators, and the R-H community to share viewpoints and to focus common efforts into shaping school decisions and practices that benefit our children.

    • Universal Pre-K Advisory Committee: Kimberly Klubek, Community Education Resource Specialist; kklubek@rhnet.org or 359-7914. Universal Pre-K is a free 2.5-hour, five-day-a-week program funded by New York state that provides children with an opportunity to experience a developmentally-appropriate learning environment and make friends before they begin kindergarten.