Technology Services

  • Technology Services Banner

    The Rush-Henrietta Technology Services Department is responsible for the support of both administrative and instructional technology systems. This responsibility may include consultation, recommendations, administration, design, development, installation, implementation, management, and maintenance as well as related training. The Technology Services Department is responsible for the administration and maintenance, and support of district applications and hardware including, but not limited to, routers, hubs, file servers, workstations, and printers.

    Technology Services does not determine the curriculum to be taught nor should technology in itself drive the curriculum, but the opportunities made possible by the emergence of new technologies should affect the way in which the curriculum is both taught and presented. It is the responsibility of the Technology Services Department to keep current with these new technologies and to make the Rush-Henrietta staff aware of the numerous possibilities available to them by recommending systems that support instruction including, but not limited to, applications, simulations, online instructional delivery, and Web-based education systems.

    For more information, please contact Brad Malone, Director of Information Technology Services, at 359-7876.