• Workforce Diversity Plan, 2018-2023


    To increase the extent to which the faculty, staff and administration of the school district are representative of the student population with whom they work.

    Major Focus Areas / Action Steps:

    1. Question and expand recruitment practices in order to identify additional qualified applicants of color. (First step is to “expand the pool.”)

    • Schedule recruitment visits outside the region and state (employer fairs, colleges).
    • Pilot some non-traditional strategies for recruitment, selection process.
    • Connect with the Teacher Opportunity Corps program (Nazareth, SUNY Oswego).
    • Explore development of a “Grow Your Own” initiative at the Senior High School - Future Educators (Educators Rising), Pathways to Teaching, local college partnerships, etc.

    2. Address implicit bias in the hiring process.

    • Review and update our current recruitment, interviewing and hiring processes. Hire an HR consultant to assist with data collection and evaluation/audit of current practices*.
    • Identify and address any biases or obstacles in the screening and interview processes.
      • What implicit biases in the system can be addressed? What training is needed?
    • Explore recruitment training opportunities for HR administrators, principals, etc.

    3. Improve the working environment for teachers of color (retention).

    • Surveys/Focus Groups: Utilize the Steering Committee’s diversity consultants.
    • Examine collegial coaching, New Teacher Orientation, other programs for gaps - What specific steps can be taken to enhance these experiences, embed CRE training?
    • What systems are in place to support employees of color throughout their career?
    • What are other best practices for retention that need to be considered?
      *Consultant Outreach/Interviews with teachers, other staff

    4. Create and support cohorts of teachers, assistant principals and principals of color.

    • Utilize experienced colleagues to form collegial circles - could this be an enhanced layer of mentoring? Consider multiple years?
    • More financial support for coaching, PD
    • How to implement without producing isolation or segregation/different treatment?

    5. Invest in mentorship and career ladders for current and aspiring teacher leaders, as well as current and aspiring school and district leaders.