Facilities Overview

  • Gleaming hallways, award-winning fields, sparkling windows and perfectly outfitted classrooms don’t happen by accident. The R-H Facilities department is responsible for those things, and they’re another district department that works behind the scenes, all year long—and especially during the summer—to keep the district running smoothly.

    School hallway with gleaming floorsIf you’ve attended a concert, assembly, book fair, sporting event or awards night, or even just walked into a Rush-Henrietta school, you’ve seen their work. It’s frequently a thankless job, moving tables and chairs, mowing and mulching, installing fixtures and repairing tile, electric, plumbing, carpentry, not to mention mopping up spills and other . . . stuff. It takes an army to get it all done—7 groundskeepers, 10 trade mechanics and 63 custodial staff, to be exact. Together, they make us all look good, and they do it without much fuss and very little fanfare. Here’s just a small snapshot of their work:

    • The grounds crew mows 325 acres of district property once a week all summer long and into the fall.
    • Each night, the custodial staff cleans our 14 buildings, totaling 1,295,998 square feet!
    • During the school year, district tradesmen receive more than 2,450 work orders for repairs around the district.
    • The grounds crew meticulously grooms and lines 28 athletic fields for Section V interscholastic sports. Their work has been featured in several editions of a national magazine and trade journal and has earned Field of the Year honors for R-H multiple times.
    • At the Senior High School, the custodial staff empties and cleans 1,106 lockers inside and out, changing every combination, on every locker, every year.
    • In the summer of 2022, our grounds crew installed beautiful new patios in the courtyard of the Senior High School and the area adjacent to the cafeteria at Roth Junior High.
    • Also during the summer of 2022, boilers were replaced at Roth and the Senior High School, and Roth had a new roof installed and some much-needed renovations to the locker rooms.

    In addition to this, every summer there are rooms to paint, floors to polish, equipment and supplies to distribute, and teachers to move from classroom to classroom. If it sounds exhausting, it is! Kudos to our Facilities department for working so hard to make us all look so good!