School Improvement Teams

    The Rush-Henrietta Central School District welcomes the broad involvement of its stakeholders. Teachers, staff members, administrators, parents, and the entire community all play important roles in the success of our children, and share a commitment to helping them develop into responsible and productive citizens. The attached District Plan describes the process whereby the district ensures involvement of stakeholders, including parents and students, in site-based planning (sometimes referred to as "shared decision making").

    School Improvement Teams exist in all of our schools. These teams bring together these various stakeholders to share viewpoints and to focus common efforts into shaping school goals, priorities and practices which benefit our children. The School Improvement Teams work with the principal to monitor the School Improvement Plan and to provide a forum for various stakeholder representatives to give input into the process of shaping the instructional program and ensuring a supportive school climate.

    In addition, an ad hoc district Review Committee meets periodically to assess and adjust the site-based planning process, including a biennial review of the District Plan on behalf of the Board of Education. This district Review Committee includes representatives from DPAC, employee associations, students and administrators. It guides the site-based planning process and serves as a resource to the School Improvement Teams as we ensure stakeholder input into district goals, priorities and programs. Parents and community members are encouraged to participate in their School Improvement Team; anyone interested should contact their school principal.

    If you have any questions about Rush-Henrietta’s site-based planning process or the District Plan, or would like to serve on the district Review Committee, contact Dr. Casey van Harssel, assistant superintendent for human resources and school accountability, at 359-5044 or

    A link to the most recent District Plan can be found below. 

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