Community Relations

  • It takes a productive partnership of educators, parents, students, and the larger Rush-Henrietta community to improve our schools and our students' academic achievement. We are eager to hear your ideas and suggestions. Please call Travis Anderson at 585-359-5065 or Heather Campo at 585-359-5017.

    Welcome to the Office of Community Relations, which provides leadership to ensure effective communication throughout the district. This Office of Community Relations strives for increased positive public relations and plans for the delivery of information that supports district efforts to guide student success. It provides counsel and assists stakeholders in the development of effective communication strategies and materials. With an emphasis on increasing parent and community involvement in school and district activities, the Office of Community Relations engages the entire community.

    Specifically, the Office of Community Relations:
    • manages the mass-notification telephone and E-News systems, which is used to notify families of important events, emergency conditions, and school closings.
    • compiles information for and produces the district calendar, printed each August.
    • shares news about Rush-Henrietta through the district website, newsletters, social media, and other district publications of interest to the community. 
    • maintains and updates the district website; the Office of Community Relations is home to the district webmasters.
    • posts parent alerts on the district website to notify families of emergent information.
    • oversees the creation, implementation, and tabulation of parent surveys, as well as ThoughtExchange opportunities.
    • produces videos designed to share important information with the entire school community.
    • fosters increased parent and community participation through Shared Decision-Making (SDM) teams.
    • promotes volunteer opportunities for community residents in schools and on district committees.

    Always keeping children at the center, the Office of Community Relations takes great pride in celebrating excellence and the many successes of the district. It welcomes information from students, staff, parents, families, graduates, community residents, and business partners to share with others. You are invited to e-mail comments, suggestions, and questions or to submit information for possible sharing with the community to:

    • Heather Campo
      Sr. Information Specialist or (585) 359-5017

      We look forward to hearing from you!