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Dignity for All Students Act
The Rush-Henrietta Central School District is committed to fostering and maintaining an environment free of all types of fear and intimidation. Based on our core belief that individuals are entitled to be treated with dignity and respect, it is the policy of the Rush-Henrietta Central School District to prohibit any conduct that constitutes a climate in which individuals feel fear and/or intimidation.
Throughout New York state, schools have been asked to implement a law called the Dignity for All Students Act. The goal of the Dignity for All Students Act (DASA) is to ensure that schools create a safe and supportive school climate in which students can learn and focus on learning, rather than fear being harassed, bullied, intimated, or discriminated against. In Rush-Henrietta, we have a well-developed and clearly articulated Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) system and Code of Conduct, both of which address the importance of positive behavior and work to eliminate negative behavior on school grounds.Despite our best efforts, there may be times when students, parents, and community members need additional assistance to respond to bullying, harassment, or intimidation. Rush-Henrietta has developed a reporting process for these occurrences. In addition, we have established Dignity Act contacts in each of our school buildings. Below, you will find helpful information regarding who to contact if your child is experiencing a form of bullying, harassment, or intimidation. Thank you for your continued involvement and support.