• TIES (Together Including Every Student) is a program which promotes the participation of children/young adults with developmental disabilities in extracurricular and community activities by providing naturalized, effective support. This support is provided by trained student volunteers in the Rush-Henrietta Central School District who are in grades 8-12. TIES is available to students in the Rush-Henrietta Central School District who are between the ages of 8-21 and who have a developmental disability. Participants and volunteers join activities based on the participant's choice. After school clubs, YMCA programs, Henrietta Recreation/Youth Activities, roller skating events, and Cub Scouts are examples of activities enjoyed.

    For more information or to sign up for TIES, please contact the Becky DiFilippo at (585) 353-1064 or bdifilippo.tiescoordinator@gmail.com. You can visit our website at www.tiesprogram.org. Please refer to the bottom of this page for a TIES application.

    What Parents Say About TIES
    • "One aspect that deserves celebration is that TIES is for all students; it is an effort to unite children with peers so they can learn with and from each other. Their learning is enhanced by their diversity."
    • "I liked the freedom, joy, and excitement it brought my son."
    • "My child's success was a priority."
    • "The volunteers were great; they each did an awesome job working with my daughter and making her feel comfortable."
    What Participants Say About TIES
    • "I liked the cooking class; it was fun and I learned a lot of cooking skills!"
    • "I liked having a friend go with me to the dance."
    • "This is the first R-H event that I have ever been able attend! Thank you so very much!"
    What Volunteers Say About TIES
    • "I really enjoyed the program; it helped me learn a lot about myself."
    • "I liked seeing the smile on her face and being able to experience the program with her."
    • "I learned that just because someone is different, you don't have to treat them differently."

    Click here to learn more!

    Click here to watch a video.

    Click here to watch the TIES drumming video!



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