Drug and Alcohol Abuse

  • With the prevalence of drug use in our society today, parents and guardians need to take a proactive stance when addressing this issue with their children. It is never too early to start talking with your child about the consequences of using drugs and alcohol. While parental involvement plays a critical role in drug abuse prevention, schools and communities can also support this endeavor. Although prevention is the key to supporting our youth today, early intervention once a problem is discovered is also extremely important. 

    Alcohol Awareness Video Resource

    Many parents have concerns about underage drinking. As part of the district’s commitment to wellness, we have created a short video that explores the many implications - health, safety, education, and legal - of underage drinking. The Rush and Henrietta Health and Safety Coalition collaborates with the district, and worked with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration to secure a grant for this video. Please take a few minutes to watch this video with your student to begin a discussion about the importance of making positive choices. Many thanks to Paul Swiatek, the district substance abuse and prevention social worker, for his work leading these efforts, including the creation of this video. 

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