Social Studies Picture

Social Studies

  • The goal of Social Studies instruction in the Rush-Henrietta District is to assist our K-12 students to develop as responsible and participatory citizens in their community and our increasingly interdependent world. The New York State Social Studies standards of United States History, World History, Geography, Economics and Government form the structure enabling students to recognize and appreciate the necessary balance between rights and responsibilities in an open and tolerant society, and to demonstrate the intellectual skills necessary for informed citizenship, issue analysis, and thoughtful worldview.

  • The director of Social Studies is Mark MacMillan. The office is located at the Parker Administration Building, 2034 Lehigh Station Rd, Henrietta, NY 14467.

    Mark can be contacted by calling (585) 359-5056 or e-mailing Please use the links below to obtain more information about this department.

    Social Studies by Grade Level

    Grade K - Self and Others
    Grade 1 - My Family and Other Families, Now and Long Ago
    Grade 2 - My Community and Other United States Communities
    Grade 3 - Communities Around the World
    Grade 4 - Local History and Local Government (New York state)
    Grade 5 - The Western Hemisphere
    Grade 6 - The Eastern Hemisphere
    Grade 7/8 - United States and New York History
    Grade 9/10 - Global History and Geography
    Grade 11 - United States History and Government
    Grade 12 - Civics (one semester course)
    Grade 12 - Economics & Economic Decision Making (one semester course)