New York State's Next Generation Learning Standards

  • Within the last five years, New York State (NYS) has adopted or revised learning standards in most of our content areas including English Language Arts (ELA), Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Mental Health and the Arts. These changes have spurred various refinement efforts in our curriculum and instruction in Rush-Henrietta.

    In 2015, NYS began the process of reviewing and revising the Common Core ELA and Mathematics Standards that were adopted in 2011. The revised learning standards were adopted by NYS in 2017 are now known as the Next Generation Learning Standards.

    The Next Generation ELA and Mathematics Learning Standards reflect the collaborative efforts and expertise among NYS educators, teachers of English Language Learners/Multilingual Learners and Students with disabilities, parents, curriculum specialists, school administrators, college professors, and experts in cognitive research.

    These standards:

    • Consist of revisions, additions, deletions, vertical movement, and clarifications of the Common Core ELA and Mathematics Standards

    • Are defined as the knowledge, skills and understanding that individuals can and do to habitually demonstrate over time based on instruction and learning experiences

    • Collectively, are focused and cohesive—designed to support student access to the knowledge and understanding of concepts that are necessary to be college and career ready

    • Are rigorous with a balance of concepts, fluency, and application that represent a significant level of achievement that will enable students to successfully transition to post-secondary education and to the workforce

    The content area tabs on your left toolbar will provide clarity and insights into the work that is underway in Rush-Henrietta across all content areas as we move toward full implementation of the newest set of learning standards adopted by NYS.