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- Mental Health/Wellness
Counseling Services
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Senior High School Counseling Services
- Sophomores - 10th
- Juniors - 11th
- Seniors - 12th
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- College & Career Focused Events
- Presentations and Resources
- Academic Development
- Naviance Student
- Secondary Program Course Guide
- Scheduling Process
- Graduation Requirements
- Work Permit Application Form
- Mental Health/Wellness
- Drug and Alcohol Abuse
- Suicide Prevention
- School Counselors
- School Psychologists
- School Social Workers
- SchoolTool Guides
Mental Health/Wellness
Rush-Henrietta provides a variety of mental health and wellness resources. Mental health staff are available in each building to provide support to students and families. Please contact your school's social worker, counselor, or psychologist during regular hours.
You may visit these pages for additional information and support: