Work Permit Application Forms

  • Where Can I Find a Work Permit Application?

    Students can pick up a Work Permit Application Form at the Nurse's Office or access one here: Work Permit Application Form.

    How Do I Complete the Work Permit Application?

    You must complete Part 1 with your name and a parent signature. Your social security number is no longer required on the application, but will need to be entered on your permit.

    If you are enrolled in Rush-Henrietta, we already have proof of birth date. If you are not a student here, you must provide proof of birth - birth certificate, passport, driver's permit or license, etc. Photo documentation is necessary. 

    A current physical exam (given within 12 months prior to issuance of the employment certificate) is required. Check with the nurse's office to be sure you have a current physical on file.

    It's Completed - Now What?

    You should return the application to the Health Office Clerk at the beginning of the school day, in order to have your work permit at the end of the day.

    FAQ's About Work Permits

    Work permits are for ages 14-15 and 16-17. New applications are required when you turn 16.

    If a work permit is lost or damaged, you do not need to complete a new application. A duplicate can be requested. 

    Part-time work permits can only be issued as long as you are enrolled in school.

    Full-time work permit applications must be signed by the parent/guardian in the presence of the issuing official unless the student has graduated and is still under 18.

    According to the NY State Education Department, a student may not get a full-time work permit if he/she is registered as a student in the district, no matter what program they are in. 

    The hours which you may work are printed on the back of the permit.