Scheduling Process

  • Using the Course Description Book, teachers, parents and School Counselors can help a student select courses in February and March. If changes need to be made after that time, they will have an opportunity to review their selections and request those changes in May and June. 

    Sophomores, juniors and seniors are expected to take at least 6.5 credits each year.

    Schedule Change Protocol

    The master schedule is developed based on student course requests and staffing in early spring. Schedule changes may not be honored after this time. Exceptions may be made for the following reasons: 

    • An error or omission.
    • Course credits required for graduation (June failures and summer academic outcomes including results of RIT/U of R courses). 
    • Requirements for post-graduation placement.
    • Request to change levels from higher to lower level class.
    • Required by a formal instructional planning committee (CSE, 504, AID, IST).
    • Add a course in place of a study hall if room is available and the class is offered at the same time as the study hall.
    • Required to accommodate classes taken at RIT, U of R, or MCC.
    • Required to accommodate school-approved work experiences (i.e., Co-op or Internship).