7th Grade General Music

  • Last Day in Library

    Posted by on 9/29/2009 12:26:00 PM
    7th Graders will be having their last day in the library today to work on their Music and Emotion Projects. All projects will be due Thursday, October 1st. Please get in any digital images or pictures to be scanned to Mr. Kazacos as soon as possible.

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  • Music and Emotion Project

    Posted by on 9/24/2009 9:03:00 AM
    We will have our last day in the library to complete the Music and Emotion Projects next Tuesday. Please be sure to bring in your images to insert in your slide show on Friday and Tuesday. If you are taking pictures, you can bring your images in on a CD or a flash drive. You can also send the images to my e-mail address as an attachment:

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  • First Week

    Posted by on 9/11/2009 3:19:00 PM
    We've had a great start to the new year, and are already diving into our first unit, Music and Emotion. Students will be examining how television, movies and other visual media incorporate music to evoke specific emotions.

    Please make sure you have a 3 ring binder for 7th Grade General Music.  You should be keeping all handouts in your binder. I will be doing periodic binder checks that will impact your General Music Grade. So be sure to keep your binder organized. If you have any trouble obtaining a 3 ring binder, please let me know.
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