Leary Contact Info

  • To find a staff member's e-mail address or voicemail number, please use related link at the bottom of this page.

    Principal: K. Dina Stathopoulos; kstathopoulos@rhnet.org; (585) 359-5468

    Assistant Principal: Meaghan Magee; mmagee@rhnet.org

    Math Coach: Thuy Tran; ttran@rhnet.org; (585) 359-5464

    Literacy Coach: Karen Tabor; ktabor@rhnet.org; (585) 359-5469

    School Nurse: Jacqueline Repp; jrepp@rhnet.org; (585) 359-5474

    Main Office Phone: (585) 359-5460

    TTY: (585) 359-5471 (available during school hours)

    Main Office Fax: (585) 359-5463

    Attendance Line: (585) 359-5471

    School Hours: 7:45 a.m. - 1:47 p.m.

    School Address: 5509 East Henrietta Road, Rush, NY 14543