About Leary

  • Welcome to Monica Leary Elementary School. We are located at 5509 East Henrietta Road in Rush and serve children from both Rush and Henrietta. We are a K-3 school with more than 400 students. We are very proud of our students and the programs we provide for them. We are also  proud of our high level of parental involvement. It really is a school community where each child, teacher, and parent is involved in the learning process.

    The district's smaller class size initiative in grades K-3 is in full effect. We are excited to see the positive teacher to student and teacher to family connections that this allows.

    We use a variety of collaborative models to bring special education services and academic support to the students in their general education classrooms. We have two Special Education Consultant Teachers, reading teachers, a Math/Science Coach and a Literacy Coach to support classroom instruction.

    We are fortunate to have a chromebook for every student. Technology instruction is an important part of our school day and complements reading, writing, math, social studies, and science.

    We are pleased to be continuing the implementation of new and effective programs in math and balanced literacy to help our students achieve state standards.

    We have an active and positive PTA that supports and provides student activities. We are so fortunate to have many active parent volunteers on a variety of committees as well as in the classrooms daily. We are especially proud of our Leary Read-A-Thon, which encourges all students at Leary to read and enjoy books.

    Please feel free to call us if you would like further information about our school (585) 359-5460. We’re looking forward to a positive and productive school year for our entire community.