The Elements of Art and Principles of Design

  • Elements of Art

    Color: Also referred to as hue, color is the appearance of an object created by the quality of light it reflects.

     Form: A three-dimensional object or, in an artwork, the representation of a three-dimensional object, defined by contour, height, depth, and width.

    Line: A mark on a surface, usually created by a pen, pencil, or brush. Lines vary in width, length, direction, color, and degree of curve, and can be two-dimensional or implied.

    Shape: A two-dimensional figure created by connecting actual or implied lines that enclose an area of space. A shape can be geometric (such as a circle or square) or organic (having an irregular outline).

    The open or empty area round, above, between, within, or below objects.
    Shapes and forms are defined by the empty space surrounding them (negative
    space) and by the space they occupy (positive space).

    Texture: The way a surface feels (actual texture) or looks (visual texture). Words such as rough, smooth, shiny, and dull are used to describe texture.

    Value: The lightness or darkness of a color. For example, pink is a light value of red, while navy is a dark value of blue.

    Principles of Design
    Balance: The arrangement of the parts of an artwork to give an overall sense of
    equality in visual weight. Balance can be symmetrical, asymmetrical, or radial.
    Emphasis: The visual accent, or focal point,  created in an artwork by
    the color, size, shape, and placement of an object or area.
    Pattern: The regular repetition of colors, lines, shapes, or forms in an artwork.

    Proportion: The relationship between the size, placement, or amount of one part of an artwork and that of another part of the whole.  

    Rhythm: A sense of movement achieved by the repetition of one or more elements of art, such as colors, lines, shapes, or forms in an artwork.

    Unity: The quality that occurs when relationships between all parts of an artwork combine to create a sense of wholeness and completion.
    Variety: The use of different elements of art to add interest to an artwork.