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  • Janice Hargrave
    School Social Worker

    "Adolescents are not monsters. They are just people trying to learn how to make it among the adults in the world, who are probably not so sure themselves. " ~Virginia Satir

    Parenting teenagers is a tough and often thankless job.  Adolescents can be a source of great pride and a source of great worry.   As a School Social Worker I work with students and families to make the most out of the high school and adolescent experience, with all of its ups and downs.  If you have any of the following concerns, feel free to give me a call to discuss resources and strategies toward a solution.
    • depression/anxiety/thoughts of suicide
    • mental health crisis
    • school avoidance/attendance problems
    • family conflict
    • friendship/relationship issues
    • runaway/homeless
    • eating disorders
    • grief/ trauma/chronic illness
    • drug or alcohol use
    • academic difficulty
    • defiant behavior
    • mental health concerns
    See the resource list at left for a list of agencies you might find helpful.