- Senior High School
- Ms. Privitere's Page
Wrap Your Brain Around The Social Sciences! - Know the Issues! Find your Socio-Political conscience
Welcome and thank you for taking the time to visit my web page. I have been teaching the Social Sciences for 27 years and have had the pleasure of instructing students in Global Studies, United States History and Government, Psychology, Sociology, Economics, Civics and Citizenship class and Advanced Placement U.S. Government and Politics.
Currently, I teach Civics and Citizenship, AP Government and Politics. I consider myself extremely lucky to have the opportunity to explore these topics with our upper-class people and sincerely hope to help their transformation into life-long learners as they move on after high school.
My Teaching Philosophy is:
Student Investigation with peer...
Collaboration and my...
Facilitation to support your...
My Advanced Placement U.S. Government and Politics course follows a Project Based Learning curriculum. Students will learn through the creation of authentic products, role playing, interaction with their peers, presentation, and reflection. This course syllabus includes close reading of founding documents and philosophies, the detailed, multifaceted electoral process, the three branches, our federal system, and key Supreme Court decisions that have impacted our lived-reality.
Civics and Citizenship is a half-year required course for seniors who do not choose to take the AP course in U.S. Government. We will study the U.S. Constitution and our rights, responsibilities of citizenship, the electoral process, and the making of public policy.
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Please feel free to email me at any time at mprivitere@rhnet.org with questions, ideas, or information that might help me to best teach your child.
Marissa Privitere