- Senior High School
- Global 10 & Econ Mr. Miller
Mr. Miller's Global 10R & Economics 12 site - Global/Econ
Welcome to Mr. Miller's Economics 12, & Global 10 website! Did you know that athletes train in Denver because the air is thin? When they get to the Olympics held at or near sea level they blow the competition out of the water.......hmmm......sounds like brain training at R-H! Seriously though, this site will help inform and guide you in the fine nuances of Economics & Global 10 in Mr. Miller's class. Let's journey around the globe in 40 weeks!
This year we will be studying the period from the French Revolution to the present in Global. Our tour will include every continent of the globe; vast deserts, wild rivers, dense rainforests, frozen tundra, lofty mountains and wide oceans.
Economics students & parents can access the course syllabus, as well as quizzes & assignments through the Economics 12 sub page. Calendars, assignments, quizzes, notes, slide shows, and other documents will continue to be added & updated throughout the year as we progress through the course.
If you have questions about the course, my web page, exams, testing, assignments, or history in general feel free to email me at mmiller@rhnet.org