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Jeff Ditterline
1799 Lehigh Station Rd
Henrietta, NY 14467School Psychologist
School psychologists receive specialized training in education, human development, and psychology. They use a strength-based approach to help identify, monitor, and support learning strategies. School psychologists also serve as a building resource with information about legal requirements, local policies, and state regulations pertaining to student learning as well as the continuum of services available in the school, district, and community. My role in our district includes the following activities:
School psychologists use multiple methods to complete academic, behavioral, intellectual, and psychological evaluations as well as lethality and threat assessments. They interpret information and communicate findings and recommendations to families and school personnel.
School psychologists use information from evaluations to develop interventions that are appropriate for the presenting problems. Using their knowledge of environmental influences on student achievement, learning, and wellness, school psychologists focus interventions on areas including academic, coping, self-advocacy, and social skills.
School psychologists have the knowledge, sensitivity, and skills to counsel individuals and groups with a diverse range of needs and strengths from a variety of cultural, ethnic, experiential, linguistic, and racial backgrounds. They provide mandated counseling for students with disabilities as well as brief, solution-focused family, group, and individual counseling, conflict mediation and resolution, crisis intervention, and counseling related to trauma, illness, and grief.
Collaboration, Consultation, and Leadership
School psychologists actively listen, convey data and information, participate in discussions, and work together with school personnel as well as students and their families. They serve as the chairperson for annual review meetings for students who receive special education services and those with Section 504 Accommodation Plans. They also chair meetings and lead the 504, functional behavior assessment/behavior intervention plan, and instructional support teams and participate in initial, manifestation, and reevaluation meetings for students with disabilities as well as multidisciplinary team meetings focusing on academic and behavioral concerns.