- Senior High School
- Mrs. Lindstrom's Social Studies web site
Everything you need to keep up to date!
Welcome to Mrs. Lindstrom's Social Studies page!!!
Have you checked SchoolTool recently? Here is the link: https://schooltool.rhnet.org/schooltool/A note about SchoolTool: If a grade is listed as earning a zero, it means a student did not submit an assignment. If you do not see a grade for an assignment, it means that the assignment is not yet graded. Please send your son/daughter to see me in class or during homeroom if they have any questions about their grade. We are still working out the kinks to improve this system!
Also, try to check SchoolTool weekly, but not more often than that. Grading takes time and updates will be made only about that often.
Please feel free to contact me directly at clindstrom@rhnet.org