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- Classroom Rules and Expectations
Snyder, Elizabeth
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Classroom Rules and Expectations
Daily Classroom Routine
1. Enter class with appropriate behavior.
2. Write down the assigned homework in your agenda.
3. Follow warm-up instructions on the board.
4. At the bell, be in your seat with all materials ready.
5. At the end of class, pack up your materials only once you are instructed to do so.
6. Stay in your seat until the bell sounds.
Missing Work is NOT an option!
Missing assignments must be made up! If required assessments are not made up a grade of incomplete will be given for the marking period.
Students should arrange to make up assessments during Homebase/Lunch/Study Hall/After School
Our classroom is a community. In our community, we have rules to help us learn and work together.
School & Classroom Rules
Be Ready to Learn
Be Responsible
Be Respectful
Be Caring
Be Trustworthy
Rewards for Positive Behavior
Verbal Praise
Student of the Month
All students have the right to learn without classroom distractions or interruptions. These will not be tolerated.
Consequences If You Choose To Break a Rule: