Mr. Butler's Earth Science Webpage


    Parents and Students: Can't find what you are looking for on my webpage? My curriculum now is presented completely through the Google platform, Email or message me through Remind with any questions.  










    What is Earth Science?

    Earth Science is field of science that includes every other science (chemistry, physics and biology.)  Most people who have taken Earth Science in school typically recall learning about rocks or the planets.  Those topics are included in this class but in reality, only represent about 2 weeks of the year. Currently, the Earth Science curriculum for students in New York State is a sprinkling of many topics - some are covered in more detail than others. In general, the class can be broken down into 3 major areas: Astronomy: the study of planet Earth in space; Meteorology: the study of Earth’s atmosphere; and Geology: the study of the solid Earth. 


    Click here for more:



    Why Study Earth Science?



    Earth Science is all around us ... 



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