Winslow PTO - You're Invited to Join the Winslow Parent Teacher Organization!

  • Winslow PTO News

    Here are our current executive board members!

    Brittany Freeman, President
    Carley Reilly, VP
    Heather Lancett, Treasurer
    Carmen Highland, Secretary

    Stay Up to Date
    Be sure to visit the Winslow Facebook Page for ongoing information: Winslow PTO Henrietta
    If you wish to contact the Winslow PTO, please email:


    Please check the RHCSD calendar for the dates of PTO meetings. PTO meetings are held once a month with just a couple of exceptions. Meetings are held on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm in our cafeteria. We are back to in-person meetings! Come join us! No reservations are necessary.