General Reminders

  • General Reminders 

    1.  To help ensure the safety and security of everyone, all doors to the school are locked immediately following the arrival of students. Please come to the front door for assistance.

    2.  Teachers are happy and willing to meet or talk with you, but it is important for teachers to spend the first few moments of the day greeting children and setting the tone for the rest of the day. 

    3.  Sign-up sheets for Parent-Teacher Conferences will be available in classrooms during the grade-level Curriculum Nights. Please contact the teacher by note, e-mail, or telephone if you are unable to sign-up at curriculum night.

    4.   E-News: All Winslow parents are automatically signed up to receive Winslow E-News!  

    5.    The principal's e-mail address is Please feel free to contact Ms. Tomalty with questions or ideas that you may have about our school.       

    6.    We encourage parent volunteers. Please contact us if you are having any problems arranging mutually convenient times for you to volunteer in classrooms.

    7.    Arrival time for students is 7:45 am. Students must not be dropped off before this time.  We cannot monitor or supervise children before 7:45 am.

    8.    As you can imagine, dismissal is a very hectic time. We expect children must ride the bus they are assigned to unless the parent has submitted this form by noon the day of pick up. We cannot transport to play dates.

    PLEASE NOTE: ID will be required each time you pick up your child. This is an R-H district policy.

    10.  Please make sure that your child has money or that you have arranged for money to be placed on their meal account, each and every day that your child is in school and wishes to buy additional food items.