Math Homework Help

Most nights there will be math homework. Homework is valuable practice for reinforcing concepts learned during class lessons. Each night students are strongly encouraged to take home their math binder. Our math binder acts as a resource for students to recall what was learned in class and gives adults a glimpse of how students were introduced to new concepts. Every notes page in the binder will also have a corresponding video on my webpage so you and/or your child can revisit the explanation of the concept from the notes page. Homework assignments are written in the student agendas and will be sent to you via email each day.

If your child becomes frustrated with the homework and says, “I don’t get it!” my best advice is to think of questions that will engage your child in the problem. These are a few sample questions you can use to help your child  with the assignment.

How to Help Your Child with Homework



Written by Suzanne Mueller, Math & Science Coach  (Retired)  in 2009 and revised by Daniel Kinney in 2015


Q: What if…….Your child comes home with a problem and says, “I don’t get it!

A: Your job is to think of questions that will engage him or her in the problem:

  • What is the problem about? Tell me in your own words.
  • What did you do in class to get started? What have you already tried?
  • Does this look similar to the work from class today? Have you looked at your notes? Do you need to watch the video from today’s lesson on Mr. Kinney’s website? 
  • Can you make a diagram or draw a sketch?
  • What do you know so far? What is the important information in the problem?
  • Is there any missing information?
  • Can you solve a simpler version of the problem?
  • Did you check your arithmetic?
  • Can we break the problem down?
  • Is there a pattern?


Q: What if…….Your child comes home and says, “I don’t have any homework” or “I’ve already done all of my homework?”

A: Your job is to take a few minutes to go over the homework with your child.

  • Does the answer make sense?
  • Could there be more than one answer? How do you know?
  • How do you know your answers are correct?
  • Did you do all parts of the problem?
  • Did you label your answers?
  • Did you show all of your work?
  • What do you think you were supposed to learn from this homework?
  • What new questions or problems might you now pose and explore?


Q: What if…..Your child wants to improve his or her math skills at home?

A: Here are some ideas to try:

  • Investigate and play with numbers.
  • Involve your child in the measuring, comparing and estimating that you do at home.
  • Use games to support mathematical thinking – card games are great!
  • Do mental arithmetic and share strategies.
  • Talk with your child about the importance of mathematics in his or her life and in your life!
  • Explore many ways to approach solving problems.
  • Be clear about your expectations for homework.
  • Find ways to show enthusiasm about mathematics.