Welcome to Mrs. Britt's Team 16 First Grade Pages!


    Welcome to the official Team 16 webpage and first grade!
    Be sure to check out the links to the left to read my newsletters, access educational websites, and get tips and information about supporting your first grader's learning at home. 

    Be sure to have your child go to the "Educational Websites" section
    to practice digital skills in ELA, math, science, and social studies. As always, feel free to email me at lbritt@rhnet.org anytime you have questions. 
    Below is a link to Rush-Henrietta's Parent Guide to Student Learning. You may want to refer to this document throughout the school year, so I would recommend either saving it to your computer for easy reference or printing it and keeping it accessible.

    Parent Guides to Learning: R-H developed informational booklets about grade level curriculum