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Mrs. LaBombard's Home Page - Crane Elementary Math and Science Coach
Welcome to Mrs. LaBombard's homepage.
Meet Mrs. LaBombard
I'm in my third year and fully immersed as Crane's math and science coach. Working with all of the students and teachers is such a great experience!
Throughout the 2017-18 year, if you have any questions, please email me or call me. I'm here to help your child have a successful experience at Crane Elementary School!
E-mail: (klabombard@rhnet.org)
Phone: 359-5400 (main office can transfer you)
We are all adjusting to the new grade structure and schedule and are off to a fantastic start.
As the Crane Math coach, I want to share with you this fun video of the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Fair we hosted here last year:
Crane Royal Comets are:ResponsibleRespectfulReady to LearnCaringTrustworthyClick below for a link to the R-H Parent Guides to Student Learning for elementary grades:
Parent Guides to Learning