My Home Page

  • Welcome to Mr. Montgomery's 

    4th Grade, 2018-2019 

    Home Page!

    Important dates to keep in mind:

    9/4: First day of school!


    Remember to keep up on your reading over summer vacation and visit IXL or work on fluency skills.


    This week in class, we are working on...



    Social Studies



    • Suggested IXL practice:



    Feel free to ask your child about any of these activities or skills learned in class as the week progresses.  Please remember that each student is responsible for a minimum of 20 minutes reading at home daily.  Please feel free to ask your child what reading strategy they are focusing on each week.  Students should review fact families associated to addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, as this is a primary goal for everyone to throughout the school year (Our goal is to promote strong fluency with these calculations).  Thank you for your continued support at home!




    School Phone: 585-359-5550


    "It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed."
    Theodore Roosevelt